Nonlinear characterization of Ge28Sb12Se60 bulk and waveguide devices


  • Molly R. Krogstad
  • Sungmo Ahn
  • Wounjhang Park
  • Juliet T. Gopinath

Single-mode Ge28Sb12Se60 strip waveguides, fabricated with thermal evaporation and lift-off, were demonstrated at 1.03 μm. The linear and nonlinear optical properties of these waveguides were shown to be similar to bulk samples, with differences attributed to small variations in composition of ~4 atomic % or less. From z-scan measurements at 1.03 μm using circularly polarized, ~200 fs pulses at 374 kHz, Ge28Sb12Se60 was found to have a nonlinear refractive index ~130 x fused silica and a twophoton absorption coefficient of 3.5 cm/GW. Given the large two-photon absorption coefficient, this material shows promise for optical limiting applications at 1 μm. ©2015 Optical Society of America OCIS codes: (160.2750) Glass and other amorphous materials; (160.4330) Nonlinear optical materials; (190.4390) Nonlinear optics, integrated optics; (230.7380) Waveguides, channeled. References and links 1. K. E. 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